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Red versus blue: Why the right gum tree matters in a healthy wetland

Most of the 1,000 different eucalyptus tree varieties are native to Australia but not all belong in a pristine wetland.
Red gum tree alongside a waterway.

'Housing delivery' concerns partly behind move to reject plan aimed at saving Perth's tree canopy

The WA government confirms it will reject a plan to protect mature trees put forward by two Perth councils, and instead develop its own urban greening strategy.
A mature tree with lots of green leaves.

The top secret mission to preserve the 'botanical find of the century'

The Wollemi Pine was thought to have gone extinct two million years ago, until an off-duty ranger stumbled across a grove. Now, experts are doing everything they can to give the tree a second chance. 
Young Wollemi Pine.

Plan to save tree canopy in Australia's least leafy city poised to be cut down by planning minister

A council plan to protect Perth's trees will be rejected by WA Planning Minister John Carey despite overwhelming community support, the ABC understands. 
Sun shines through trees from above

Tasmania is home to the tallest flowering plants in the world. Fire is now their biggest threat

Brett Mifsud has travelled to Tasmania for more than 30 years to find and measure the state's largest trees. He fears increasingly frequent and intense fires mean this could be the last generation of giants. 
A man standing next to a giant tree in the forest.

Learning lessons from Black Summer, these Gippsland locals are planting 'fire-wise' gardens

East Gippsland communities hit by the Black Summer bushfires are planting trees with low flammability to reduce the risk of radiant heat and embers destroying homes and other assets.
A woman stands in front of bushland.

Cicadas are so loud their chorus is often above local noise restrictions and there are a lot around this year. Here's why

The cicada's distinctive courtship call is the soundtrack to an Australian summer and in parts of the country it's the most penetrating it's been in years. Just look out for "cicada rain".
A 'razor grinder' cicada on a rough bark tree trunk.

Noongar story of Australian Christmas tree brings blooms of the bush to Perth CBD

The Moodjar Tree uses art and technology to tell the Noongar story of the Australian Christmas tree in 3D. 
Phil Walleystack and his daughter Cara smiling and standing in front of the big screens for the video art installation.

What air quality data can tell you about where you live

University of Technology Sydney students went street by street with air quality monitors and found big differences over short distances. 
A bus departs from a stop outside shops on Burwood Road.

Thinking of getting a real Christmas tree this year? You'd better be quick

The popularity of real Christmas trees surged during the pandemic and is continuing, but some growers are having trouble keeping up because of bad weather conditions affecting supply.
Photo of man with two girls measuring Christmas tree with field of pine trees behind

West Australian Christmas 'fire tree' signals an early threat

Bright yellow flowers on an ancient tree have been a warning sign of impending bushfires for thousands of years, Aboriginal people on the WA south coast say, and it comes with fireys already fatigued from fighting big blazes.
A bright yellow tree in a burnt out paddock

Thousands of plane trees will be phased out in Sydney. Here's why

A Sydney arborist says London plane trees make for a great urban tree, but a warming climate has forced planners to find a more resilient species.
a street lined with big green trees

The project aiming to make sure this species of tree doesn't go the way of the Tasmanian tiger

The Tasmanian tiger was driven to extinction, as was the Tasmanian emu and a myriad of plants — but it is hoped a bold move will save another iconic Tasmanian species, the Morrisby's gum.
A woman standing in a fieldnext a young gum tree

$80,000 for damaging a tree: Canberra's tough new laws to protect urban forest

The ACT government's plan to cover almost a third of Canberra with tree canopies is behind schedule, but it says new legislation will help.
A white car parked on a nature strip on a street with large trees.

analysis:Why it feels so bad to lose the iconic Sycamore Gap tree

The loss of the Sycamore Gap tree sent a nation into grief. Rebecca Banham explores why individual trees can become important to our sense of security. 
a big sycamore tree cut down and lying on its die on a cobbledstone wall in a  moore

Scientists rush to save Australia's loneliest tree from extinction

The Mongarlowe mallee — which had its heyday in the last ice age — now has just six known survivors, but ecologists say it could be rescued in a plan reminiscent of the Wollemi pine.
A eucalyptus flowering close up.

Farmers are growing medicinal gum trees as biotech company explores pharmaceutical potential

Eight farmers in the Benalla region are growing gum trees for biotech company Gretals as it researches using pinocembrin as a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases.
A man in his 30s kneels down to look at the leaves of a gum trees

What is the exotic pest threatening Australia's plantation industry?

This suburban park in Adelaide's north-east used to resemble a small forest, filled with hundreds of well-established pine trees — but it has been left decimated thanks to an exotic pest.
The remains of dozens of trees lay on the ground as a sign warns people the area is restricted

Pine trees create a $10K clean-up bill every year for this tennis centre. But they also feed an endangered cockatoo

Wodonga's tennis players could secure the match point this month in their fight to have a nearby row of pine trees home to messy cockatoos removed. But not all residents are cheering.
A person dressed as a Gang-gang cockatoo resting on a tennis fence

Australia's iconic eucalyptus was shipped across the globe. Now, this flammable tree has 'gone feral'

From southern Europe to the east coast of the United States, debate is raging over how vulnerable the eucalyptus tree is to fire and whether it's doing more harm than good.  
Fire rages behind the canopy of both a eucalyptus and pine tree.

Forestry industry pushes back against mounting calls for nationwide native logging ban

Native logging will no longer be allowed in two states from next year, and there are calls for other jurisdictions to follow suit. But some experts and industry representatives say the bans could be devastating for developing nations.
Two logging machines have been graffitied with the words "who will fight the bushfires?"

Giant Aboriginal artworks years in the making sprout across WA

An eco-cultural effort in southern WA depicting giant Indigenous totems of native animals is helping bring the landscape back to life.
drone image of shrubs shaped like a lizard

Power company apologises after community 'blindsided' by removal of 130-year-old tree

A landmark tree that has guarded Morundah's pub for more than a century has been cut down by Essential Energy — and residents are not happy.
David Fahey stands at the site of the former kurrajong tree, with one boot raised on the stump.

If you're ever lost in the outback, there are multiple ways this amazing tree could save your life

Against the dry, arid landscapes of west and central Australia, these trees not only catch your eye, but are a source of food and water and can point you in the right direction if you're lost.
A lone Desert Kurrajong sits close to the sea

How WA's common native marri trees are closely linked with agricultural wax and wane

Beekeepers have struggled to produce large volumes of honey without a strong marri flowering this year, a "mast year" for the tree, while winemakers are also battling birds looking to vineyards for food.
A drone shot of a group of trees covered in white flowers.