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Mental Wellbeing

'I had nothing left in the tank': How border collie Ash Barky helped propel a new mum onto 'beautiful things'

Cilla Pershouse admits she "lost her sense of self" after the birth of her third child, but help came in the unexpected form of a new colleague at her farm - a border collie puppy named Ash Barky.
Woman in pink check shirt and broad-brimmed hat cuddles puppy and sits on the grass

Town's op shop offers a place to chat for the lonely and those new to town

Margreet Diment knows what it's like not having a space to relax and chat. So she opened an enterprise in Bordertown to help the many migrants affected by the housing shortage.
A woman with long white hair stands at a shop counter with items for sale behind

Australian man celebrates 108 years of living a life of love and kindness

He's lived through two world wars, the Great Depression and at least two global pandemics but Perth retiree Gordon Ewers says he's nothing but grateful for his life. 
An elderly man in a check shirt sitting in front of a balloon display.

Greta was determined to breastfeed, but when she took her baby back to her remote home, everything fell apart

Some women who desperately want to breastfeed their babies are giving up because of a lack of support in regional and rural Australia. 
Two women with heads close together with woman on right holding a newborn baby

Loneliness affects one in three people. After feeling 'stuck' at home Andrea decided to make a change

Relocating to Kilkivan just before COVID lockdowns meant Andrea Ferris didn't make initial connections in town. Four years on, her "innovative approach" is bringing the community together.
A woman in a button-up shirt and hat holds a halter rope, a beige-coloured horse beside her

Outdoor activities in study's spotlight after 'very obvious decline' in community engagement

Can outdoor adventure activities like surf lessons, equine therapy, and weekend hikes improve health and boost community engagement? A new regional health pilot program aims to find out. 
surfer with rocks in front

Why Amanda Anisimova is thankful she prioritised her mental health over her tennis career

After taking an indefinite break from tennis last year citing burnout, Amanda Anisimova has returned to the Australian Open with a fresh perspective on life.
Amanda Anismova pumps her fist during the 2024 Australian Open.

'Like being washed in happiness': The formal-wear beach swim shoring up pleasure

Every year these pleasure-seeking Australians take to the waves in suits and ball gowns to let off steam during the summer holiday silly season.
A woman in a gold formal dress splashes into the sunny ocean.

Ballet for Veterans program used to treat PTSD

Former combat engineer James Wilfred-Derby is participating in the Ballet for Veterans and says it has had a profound impact on his mental health. 
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 3 seconds

Nine things I've learnt about how to unwind (without feeling guilty)

Unwinding doesn't come naturally to many. Even in Australia, where we have the reputation for being laid back, most people have to make a concerted effort to prioritise rest and switch off.
Writer Madeleine Dore smiles while looking off camera, wearing a blue turtleneck and red lipstick, in front of a pink backdrop.

Handwritten letters from ambo Santa keep Christmas spirit alive in Queensland country town

Father Christmas is writing back to dozens of children in a Queensland country town and surrounds thanks to a local paramedic, parents and the post office.
A man wearing glasses sits at a desk with letters in front of him. There is a Christmas tree in the background.

Outbid and out-of-pocket, a seaside community wonders where next GP will come from

Increasingly priced out of the locum GP market, Streaky Bay's community-run medical clinic often has no doctor, which leaves nursing staff and volunteer ambulance members facing greater workloads.
Medical clinic sign, with old cottage ion left and road leading to clinic building on left, trees

Chocolate Elf brings Christmas magic to children who would otherwise miss out

'Tis the season for elves to pop up in unusual places and in Shepparton, Victoria, The Chocolate Elf is distributing toys, toiletries and chocolates to people doing it tough this Christmas.
Four nurses hold advent calendars and a poster asking if you can help The Chocolate Elf

'Boob choir' spreads joy and awareness about breast cancer through song

Twila Whittingham always thought of music as medicine, so when doctors found a pre-cancerous tumour in her breast mid-last year, she knew she would need more than conventional treatment to cope.
A group of women in pink headbands and white shirts sing

Mystery, mutiny and a missing ship, but what happened to the HMAS Matafele?

HMAS Matafele disappeared without a trace during a treacherous sea voyage in 1944, but a stroke of fortune meant a 19-year-old crewman missed the boat.
Image of naval cargo ship HMAS Matafele at sea.

People like Claudia can experience 'cardiac blues' after a heart attack. She wants to help others cope

Claudia underwent a triple bypass after a heart attack, and after continuing to not feel like herself since, has started a local chapter of a peer support program.
A close up of a woman's face, she has brown hair and is in a hospital bed with tubes running into her nose

Natural disaster creates new workforce in remote town struggling with unemployment

Hundreds of Kimberley community members were employed during the Fitzroy River Bridge rebuild after a record flood, and they are hoping for ongoing opportunities.
A woman standing on a bridge wearing a Hi Vis shirt.

Dogs grieve too, so should they be present when their canine companions are put down?

Animal behaviour experts agree that dogs mourn when they lose a companion, but have mixed views on whether being there at the death helps their grieving process.
A golden labrador and a black labrador stand on a porch with their noses touching.

Why some small, regional schools are thriving when others are closing for good

An alternative education approach, along with a focus on inclusiveness and wellbeing, helps to attract new students to a small country school in Victoria, while 50 kilometres away, it's the end of an era for a 165-year-old school.
A girl in school uniform sits at a desk and writes

Wealth and homelessness at odds as coastal suburb tent city residents cop abuse

Homeless people in the City of Moreton Bay say they are being harassed by local residents, while a local action group is lobbying for the council to have the camp removed from the coastal suburb.
A woman in a grubby tent

A groodle named Haze helps heal the collective heart of a tiny rural school beset by trauma and loss

A four-legged bundle of curly brown fur is putting smiles on the faces of pupils struggling with the deaths of a teacher and a student.
Young boy in dark blue school jumper sitting on floor scratching caramel groodle dog under the chin, looking at each other

Ethan says he endured years of abuse at a prestigious boarding school. The legal process is a new type of trauma

Ethan says he is "haunted" by the abuse he alleges he suffered at the hands of three different men. He hopes his story inspires other victims to come forward, and a more compassionate approach to civil cases.
A photo of a boy with blonde hair smiling at the camera is layered over a photo of a historic school building.

Lifeline releases new mental health guide for the holiday season

Lifeline has tips for getting through the holiday season if you're feeling financially stressed, lonely or isolated.
ABC News Current
Duration: 3 minutes 34 seconds

Health professionals warn the expensive skincare products your tween wants for Christmas could be harming them

Social media "skinfluencers" selling the promise of dewy skin are driving tween and teenage interest in expensive skincare products, but experts warn pursuing the kind of perfection seen online can have long-lasting consequences.
A young girl applies powder makeup in front of a Christmas tree.

Home-style rehabilitation approach helps veterans recover their mental health

Military veterans say a new small-scale treatment model that includes ice baths, structured exercise and cooking classes is showing positive results for their mental health.
A man with tattoos on his neck and arms sits on a step