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Exercise and Fitness

It's a $2.2 billion industry that's notoriously hard to quit but here's how to cancel your gym membership

Experts warn that gym memberships can be tricky to cancel, but there are ways to ensure you're treated fairly.
woman working out in the gym

From financial struggles in New Zealand to free boxing sessions in western Sydney

Baker Prescott was struggling to make ends meet in Auckland but has turned his life around in Australia by inspiring others to take part in his free community boxing sessions.  
A young boy and his older brother are sparring boxing, a man is crouched in the background and shouts instructions.

Listening to your body and the importance of exercise during pregnancy and beyond

Exercise is encouraged during pregnancy — but it's not always easy for expecting parents to know what to do in the prenatal period.
An Asian woman wearing a black singlet is holding red hand weights as she prepares to lift them.

Why women are taking up strength training in growing numbers

Droves of women are turning up in gyms to lift weights as they discover the benefits of the previously male-dominated pursuit.
ABC News Current
Duration: 4 minutes 17 seconds

Why more women are lifting weights to get shredded and strength train

More and more women are heading to the gym to pump weights, a space once dominated by men.
Talulla Clarkson wears gym gear while leaning against a rack of weights

Altitude masks and ice baths all part of Everest trek training for adventurous mates

James and Mark have travelled the world together. Now they are aiming to inspire others entering middle age with their next journey.
A man takes a selfie on top of a hill wearing a hat, glasses and a black mask.

'Smart watch' data not always accurate, finds new study

While smart watches can motivate you to be more active through alerts and tracking mechanisms, health experts warn the data may not be as accurate as we think.
ABC News Current
Duration: 3 minutes 49 seconds

How does your smart watch or fitness tracker compare to a gold-standard physiology test?

Smart watches have boomed in popularity as wearable health and fitness trackers, with market data estimating almost 40 per cent of Australians own one. Experts weigh in on how accurate they are, and whether they can actually make us healthier.
A watch with a digital screen on a person's wrist.

Victoria's Strongest Man?

Australia's front-line workers are renown for showing super-human courage and strength on the job day-in, day-out. Now a Victorian paramedic is taking that reputation to the next level, as he vies for the title of the state's strongest man.
ABC News Current
Duration: 2 minutes 9 seconds

City river swimming is a growing movement. Here's what to know before you take the plunge

As a movement to swim in our urban waterways grows, these experts say there's an increasing need for awareness of water safety and how to respect our natural environment.
A woman in red swim suit smiles widely with just her head above water, in lake with buildings in distance behind.

Meet the modern-day Forrest Gump with the 'beard to be feared'

Stride by stride, strand by strand, chin thrust forward, running machine Rhys Williams and his glorious beard are on a hair-raising journey in the running world.
A man with short dark brown hair and brown, ginger beard flowing in the wind.

The science of bulking up throws a spanner in the 'no pain, no gain' mantra

Despite common belief, exercising until it hurts isn't necessarily a sign you're making progress in the gym. So what can help you build muscle?
Woman resting after workout

Strength training crucial for people over the age of 60

Head Coach at Stronger Longer gym Dean Mawby says strength training can bring power and vitality back into an individual's life.
ABC News Current
Duration: 6 minutes 21 seconds

analysis:You can't reverse the ageing process but these five things can help you live longer

There are no quick fixes or short cuts to living longer and healthier lives, but the science is clear on the key principles. Here are five things you can do to extend your lifespan and improve your health, writes Hassan Vally.
A photo of a woman wearing grey racerback top stretching, shot from behind

I want to lose weight and eat healthily. So why do I feel hungry all the time?

When we change our diet and start losing weight, we disrupt how our appetite hormones function. Here's how you can stay on track, writes Nick Fuller.
A man with a wide open mouth leans into a hamburger

Forcing yourself to exercise? There may be better ways to boost motivation

Exercise is important, whether you like it or not. But enjoyment can help you stay consistent, and boost the benefits you get from a workout.

Alex appeared to have the perfect physique, gym and diet regime. In reality, he had an eating disorder

Sculpted men with bulging muscles, sweating it out at the gym is not commonly an image one would associate with eating disorders, but, with more than 1 million Australians suffering through an eating disorder, the reality is 25 per cent of them are males.
Alex Rodriguez a brown haired man wearing a white polo shirt and blue pants sitting on a couch.

Simon is an 'extreme introvert' — yet finds pole dancing in front of a crowd surprisingly invigorating

Simon Ferguson wraps himself around a silver pole and performs a horizontal body ripple. As a male pole dancer, he's in the minority and attracts increased attention, but more men are taking up the sport.
Man clings to pole horizontally

analysis:Can you control where you lose weight on your body?

Spend some time scrolling social media and you're all but guaranteed to see an ad promising to help you with targeted fat loss. Unfortunately, it is not possible to target the location of fat loss.
A man measuring his waistline.

New guidelines recommend hormone therapy to shore up menopausal bone health

Women experience rapid bone loss during menopause but experts say GPs aren't confident prescribing hormones for skeletal health, despite evidence it works.
A picture showing the bones under the knee

After catching the 'powerlifting bug', Heather is now a three time world champion and record holder

Heather Ostler's training gym is five-hour journey from her home in regional New South Wales. But that hasn't stopped the mother of four from claiming three gold medals in the sport she loves.
a woman lifting weights while squatting with a serious expression on her face.

analysis:Is 22 minutes of exercise really enough to combat the risks of sitting too long?

Residents of developed countries spend an average of nine-to-10 hours sitting everyday and a sedentary lifestyle is linked to earlier death. But what if just 22 minutes of exercise a day could lower the risk? 
A woman runs along a footpath with her back to the camera.

More Canberrans finding their feet in 'least walkable city'

Walking is slowly becoming more common in Canberra, though the vast majority of trips — whether the purpose is to shop, work or socialise — are still in a car.
A person wearing jeans and white leather sneakers seen while using a crosswalk in Melbourne.

Waking at night soaked from excessive sweating? Here's what might be causing it, and when to see a doctor

Sweating is a normal part of the body's cooling system, helping to release heat and maintain optimal body temperature. But regularly waking up during the night, soaked through from excessive sweating, is not.
A woman laying face down in bed, with her hair sprawled over the sheets and her right arm above her head.

Confused about how much exercise to do while pregnant? Elite athletes are too

Dual Olympian Alyce Wood found managing her exercise during pregnancy challenging due to a lack of research on the topic. She's now returned to sport postpartum but rejects the idea of "bouncing back".
Alyce Wood and daughter Florence on a pier, holding a paddle, smiling.