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Sunshine Coast girl found safe and well after going missing on Wednesday

The girl was reported missing on Wednesday night. Police and emergency services searched a nearby park and bushland for her.
Emergency crews in Anchorage Drive Park

Concerns for outback students' mental health as mould infestation disrupts start to school year

A mould infestation at a Broken Hill high school is so severe the NSW Department of Education has declared it too dangerous for students to return, forcing them to start term one scattered around different campuses.
Teenagers in white and black school uniforms walk along a black fence.

'I cop everything': A mother's long, fraught wait to help quell her daughter's meltdowns

A South Australian woman says she has been on a waiting list for occupational therapy for her autistic daughter since 2022 — and that living in a regional town makes accessing services all the more difficult.   
The legs of a young girl with pink sneakers walk near a gutter.

Baby Daisy's whooping cough put her in hospital, and experts warn cases are on the rise

Cases of whooping cough are surging across Australia, with an infectious disease expert warning that the respiratory disease is "back with a vengeance".
A mother and baby.

The son of our new Children's Laureate hated reading. She wants to help every kid find the love for it

Billie B Brown author and new Australian Children's Laureate Sally Rippin reveals the secret behind her success. 
A smiling white woman with curly blonde hair wearing black clothes and a green cardigan stands against a whitewashed brick wall

Mum's wish for diabetes kids as technology gives son brighter childhood

Anna Cozens says better treatment options for type 1 diabetes have given her son freedom to do more activities and she wants others to have the same access.
A woman with curly brown hair smiles, her young son has short brown hair and wears a red school uniform

Emma never planned on becoming a 'gaming mum'. It turns out that joining her son's games could have benefits beyond fun

New research shows more than half of young children who play online games wish their parents would game with them — and that joining in can help keep kids safe online.
Mum Emma and son Julian gaming together on the couch.

When Harry could no longer clench a fist during karate classes, it signalled the start of a long, painful journey

Harry was 10 when clenching his fists during karate classes became difficult. But the real turning point came when he asked his mum and dad to stop hugging him because it hurt too much.
Harry Dannock in karate uniform.

Authors say booksellers play a critical role in sharing diverse stories and can make or break careers

The cultural role of bookshops is in the spotlight after the owner of Victoria's oldest independent bookshop posted on social media, calling for "kids picture books with just white kids on the cover". Authors, booksellers and a publisher on the power of booksellers.
Anita Heiss dressed in a pink suit jacket, pink glasses and a pink and purple headband holding up one of her children's books

The shocking death of a 16-year-old in police custody 40 years ago continues to reverberate in this outback town

John Pat's death at just 16 inside an outback police lock-up sparked national outrage and a royal commission. Forty years later, what is his legacy in his hometown?
A collage of printed colour photos of a brown red outback town

'We can try and win him back': Police rescue 3yo stuck in claw machine

Police say the three-year-old climbed into the machine through its prize dispenser.
Child stuck shopping centre

Hayley's 3yo son isn't talking yet and can't be in kindy. He's waited two years for speech therapy

Hayley Battisson put Nate's name down on waiting lists at nearly every speech pathology practice in Rockhampton years ago. She fears a dire shortage of regional clinicians has put him at a disadvantage.
Woman holds child son and looks at him lovingly

Greta was determined to breastfeed, but when she took her baby back to her remote home, everything fell apart

Some women who desperately want to breastfeed their babies are giving up because of a lack of support in regional and rural Australia. 
Two women with heads close together with woman on right holding a newborn baby

A new report has found Australia's childcare system doesn't work for many families — and it's not just about the money

The consumer regulator is calling for governments to directly intervene in the childcare market to ensure all families can access the services they need.
A generic graphic showing three cute kids playing next to someone holding a receipt.

'Excellent life skills' helps makes these kids 'better people', says junior cattle handlers' mum

Many young agricultural enthusiasts are lucky to get to two or three stock handling competitions in a year, but for one south-east South Australian family they are an essential activity.
Yong handlers with cattle and ribbons.

analysis:My son is preparing for high school by hardly talking about it. I'm whispering to friends, hiding out of earshot

My son, along with tens of thousands of other Australian kids, is about to formally leave the land of childhood and go to secondary school next week, and a clean-out of many of his kindergarten things felt long overdue, writes Virginia Trioli.
Primary aged school stduents with school logo green backpacks walk along a city street

Zahli wanted to become a child safety officer. But heavy caseloads made her decision to walk away easier

The Queensland government has announced it's to increase the graduate salaries of child safety officers as experts say heavy caseloads and a lack of staff are creating delays in response times.
Woman looks at camera with neutral expression

Burnt out by city life, Trang's family moved out west and has never looked back

A full year after pharmacy assistant Trang Nguyen moved to the remote community of Wilcannia with her husband and toddler son, the sight of her young family still stirs up curiosity.   
A woman, small child and man smile at the camera behind them is red dust.

Queensland children in adult watchhouses could amount to ‘child abuse’

A Cairns psychologist working for the state government has gone public with her deep concerns about possible human rights breaches in police watch houses.
ABC News Current
Duration: 7 minutes 13 seconds

Psychologist doesn't understand why Qld government accepts 'abhorrent conditions' in police watch house

Inside a watch house in Cairns, children as young as 10 are locked into cells designed for adults, sometimes four at a time with their mattresses on the floor.
Photo of Cairns police watch house entrance including signs on door saying 'No Smoking'

Start early and skip the milkshakes: The government's tips for teaching consent to kids

Consent educators should use plain, relatable language and start teaching children "well before" they have their first sexual encounter, according to new federal government guidelines.
Still from the new government sexual consent campaign where a women is smearing milkshake cream on mans face

How Kirsty rebuilt her financial independence and credit rating after domestic violence and bankruptcy

Determined for a better life for her children, a regional South Australian woman has gone from bankrupt to home owner. Kirsty experienced financial abuse, and wants others to know it is possible to rebuild their lives.
A woman with strawberry blonde hair smiles in a field of flowers.

How the daily struggle for this Palestinian family to stay alive falls on 12-year-old Hiba

Hiba used to live in a modern apartment building in southern Gaza, spending her days at school or playing with friends. Now, every day is a fight to survive to the next.
A little girl walks past rubble

Man behind Sunshine Coast double child murder banned from applying for parole

The man who raped and murdered two young girls, Patricia Leedie and Leanne Oliver, in 1995 has been barred from making any parole bid for at least another eight years.
Paul Stephen Osbourne

Summer camp offers 'life-changing' experience for children who stutter

The Australian-first camp creates community, connection and a safe space for young people with a stutter to speak without judgement, at a property near the regional Victorian township of Creswick.
A man wearing a pink jumper and pink lanyard with short brown hair puts his arm behind a young boy with blond hair.