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Italian strawberry mascarpone trifle



3x250g punnets strawberries, washed and hulls. (Reserve 6 with leaves attached for frosting)

2 tblsp vanilla sugar

2 tblsp muscat


1 16cm plain vanilla sponge

muscat for brushing


3 extra lge egg yolks

1/4 cup vanilla sugar

250g mascarpone cheese

200ml whipping cream, lightly whipped

6 strawberries for frosting

1 egg whichte

1/4 cup vanilla sugar

1/3 cup slivered pistachios



Finely chop 150g strawberries and place in bowl. Put remainder into a food processor with vanilla sugar and muscat, blend to a puree. Stir into chopped strawberries and set aside.


Slice sponge horizontally into 3x1cm thick slices. Using round cutters, punch 6x6cm and 6x8cm discs. Set aside.


Whisk egg yolks and vanilla sugar in a bowl over a saucepan half full of simmering water for about 3 minutes. The mixture will thicken in consistency and lighten in colour. Drizzle a stream of mixture across the surface - when it is visible for a moment then disappears, it's ready. Remove from heat and cool slightly.

Gently stir mascarpone cheese into egg mixture, then fold in cream to form a thick, smooth custard. Do not over mix as can become grainy.

To construct trifles, place about a tblsp of custard in the base of 6x250ml glasses, smooth over the surface. Cover with about the quantity of strawberry puree. Brush both sides of sponge discs with muscat and press one on top. Repeat and finish with a final layering of 8cm sponge discs, custard and puree. Cover and refrigerate.

Wash and dry the remaining strawberries. Lightly whisk the egg white with a fork and using a pastry brush, apply a very thin layer over each strawberry. Roll in vanilla sugar and leave uncovered on a plate, in a cool place, to dry for an hour or so.

Just before serving, complete trifles by placing a frosted strawberry on top of each glass and sprinkle with pistachios.


*Wash strawberries with hulls intact to keep from becoming waterlogged.

*Trifles can be made up to a couple of days in advance, but are best if made the night before serving, this gives them 12 24 hours to settle.

*Add whole blueberries and/or raspberries to the strawberry puree for a variation.

*Try brushing sponges with another liquor such as drambuie, cointreau or sherry.

*Frosted strawberries are best made on the day of serving, but can be made 24 hours in advance, left to dry then covered and refrigerated.

*Dip the dry strawberries into melted white chocolate instead of frosting.

Posted , updated 
Harvey, Dessert