AnalysisPoliticsWhy don't more dads take parental leave? The answer is in their heads
Men don't — in the main — take parental leave beyond the two-week cigar break that the Australian culture views as permissible.
We know that men are slightly more likely than they were to work flexibly, but nowhere near as likely as women, and that hardly any of them go so far as to work part-time. This is true even for workplaces with flexible work policies that are officially available to both genders. Somehow, the men know on some molecular level that these policies and entitlements are not really meant for them.
There isn't an awful lot of research in Australia into why this is so. But a survey in 2017 conducted by recruitment agency Hays gives a good indication of the sticking points.
The firm asked 842 men and women about access to parental leave, and only 19 per cent of respondents believed that their employers treated men and women equally in this respect.
Of the men surveyed, 54 per cent said they were reluctant to take leave because to do so would damage their families financially. And 34 per cent said they feared they'd be seen as less committed at work. Twelve per cent of respondents said that parental leave was the right and responsibility of the mother.
The expectations on fathers
In 2015, at the University of Adelaide, researchers decided to talk to some fathers in great depth about the decisions they made at work and why. Not just about the decisions they made as fathers, but also about what they felt were the expectations of them. Many of these men worked full-time, and many employed some kind of flexibility.
Gary, for example, a 33-year-old acquisitions manager, was taking an hour off in the mornings to read with his daughter at school.
Ernie, a 52-year-old social planner, had used accrued time to go on school visits with his wife and daughter. But he'd not gone to the most recent visit, for fear of pushing his luck.
What was fascinating about the men's accounts was that, commonly, their caution about undertaking these activities was not due to explicit workplace rules prohibiting flexible work; it was about their own desire to be seen as a good worker, and not someone who slacked off.
Most of the men were doing more caring work than is average for Australian men, but they saw themselves as exceptions, outliers; in many cases they saw their flexible work as a privilege, or a function of their seniority or their good standing with the boss.
Something that they got away with, in other words. Not something to which they were generally entitled.
Nick, a 42-year-old team leader, had recently asked his boss for a day off: "Because we have a strong relationship and I do a lot of, um, work that makes his life easier … he will accommodate back … so that's how all those relationships work — if you don't have that, it won't work."
Significantly, the men tended to describe and identify themselves with reference to their work and their need to provide for their families, not through their roles as carers. They explained their flexible work as something they'd earned through being good workers; it was all calculated by reference to work.
Parenting a challenge of Olympic proportionsIn Nick's case, that work identity was so valuable that it superseded even the most prosaic hip-pocket calculation. "In reality, if [my wife] worked full-time and I worked part-time, the income would probably end up being more, but I've worked my way to where I am for a long time … so it would be absolutely silly to stop now and go part-time," he said.
This comment stuck with me. The argument for mothers not returning to work, or returning to work part-time, is usually framed as a financial one. This argument often misses the long-term ramifications for women of staying out of work for protracted periods: increased vulnerability in the event of a break-up or bereavement, for instance, loss of promotions and pay rises, and a permanently depressed superannuation account.
But Nick is powered by more than money; he's saying that even to behave in a financially rational way and arrange the family's work commitments to maximise income would be "silly" because it would strip him of his significance and his life's work.
What if you were female?
I remember speaking at an industry dinner several years ago, just after The Wife Drought was published. The dinner was full of superannuation executives, whom I harangued good-naturedly for 20 minutes or so about the expectations that commonly accompanied women to work.
After the dinner, I found myself in conversation with a man — he must have been in his mid-30s — who told me that he and his wife were shortly expecting their second child.
"Personally, I would absolutely love to take extended parental leave," he told me. "It's just that in my job I'm not really replaceable."
"And what would happen if you were female?" I asked him.
From his furrowed brow, it was apparent that he had not considered this question before. This question — how will I hold on to my identity and my role at work, while also managing my child (or sick relative, or any other domestic obligation)? — is one with whose curves, knots and grooves many working women are exhaustedly familiar.
The fact that you can still find a man to whom it has genuinely never occurred is a demonstration of the enduring strength of the "ideal employee" model.
The men in the University of Adelaide study talk of eking out small privileges in the flexible work stakes: an hour off to attend a school event, a good relationship with a boss who doesn't mind if they take a day here or there.
The men are constrained most powerfully by their own need to be a good worker, to fulfil the expectation that they will work hard. And yet the idea that women will work part-time is entirely unremarkable, and not accompanied by the same agonising calculus.
This is the heart of the matter, surely? We know and have accepted that a woman's capacity in a job is the same as a man's; this concept is no longer radical.
So how can it be that working a compressed work week, working part-time or taking parental leave for a chunk of time is deeply unremarkable — indeed, expected — for women, and yet for men it's a matter of privilege, luck or indeed in some cases flatly unthinkable? It's the same job. But the neural tissue we've built around these ideas makes those circumstances unrecognisable, one from the other.
If my new friend from the superannuation dinner were a woman, the world wouldn't end. She'd take parental leave and someone would fill in for a few months or even a year, and then she'd come back and the company would not only have her back, but would also have gained someone who'd accumulated new experience and expertise. I mean, it's not easy, exactly, but it's also really not that hard.
Somehow we've constructed a system of expectations, though, in which a man who is doing his job is bound to it by something much deeper than his contract of employment, or even his need to provide.
Stopping work for a while, or even just doing less of it, is thus not as simple as a law telling him it's allowed. It involves finding and loosening restraints far more ancient than those outlined in any human resources manual; knots which have swelled with age and seawater; ropes that have bitten into the skin. But they need to come off. Why should they bind only men?
There's something stuck for dads
Our expectations of fathers are changing. Gone are the days when fathers were considered somehow an optional extra to the parenting process, like rear spoilers or metallic duco.
And yet there's something stuck for dads. Something is standing in the way of them responding to those demands by being around more.
Recent research by the Diversity Council of Australia gives us a glimpse of the significant gap between what the new generation of dads would like to do and what they actually do. Of these fathers (aged 35 and younger), 79 per cent wanted the flexibility to choose their hours at work. But only 41 per cent of them actually did so. Similarly, 79 per cent of them wanted to work a compressed working week. But only 24 per cent of them actually did that. And while 56 per cent of these young fathers wanted to be able to work at least some of their hours at home, it was only actually happening for 13 per cent of them.
Okay. So what's stopping these men? Australian research in this area is still frustratingly sketchy. But we know from the major survey of around 1000 Australian businesspeople undertaken by Bain that men were about twice as likely as women to have their requests for flexible work refused. And the same study confirmed that men's experience with flexible work and parental leave was very different from women's. Fascinatingly, women who worked flexibly were more confident and ambitious within their companies, as well as much more likely to endorse their companies and recommend them as a workplace. But among men, the reverse was true. Male respondents reported they'd been told that flexible working was more of a woman's thing. Also that there was no way they'd be promoted if they worked part-time.
The crapshoot of raising a child
Now, no one is suggesting that what every dad really wants to do is get home from work at 4pm every day so as to be sure to catch that excellent juncture where the juvenile and the adult stores of patience expire within 15 minutes of each other.
When I first read Edith Gray's research indicating that the average Australian father worked five hours more a week after the birth of his first child, somewhere deep down inside I grinned in recognition and thought: you sly dogs. There is something about the workplace, with its principles of reward for effort, with its adult company and relatively clean workspaces, that can seem more appealing than the unrecompensed crapshoot that is raising a small child.
What role does male ambivalence play in this pattern of behaviour? How many fathers are secretly relieved to be free of the dinner/bath/bed shift? I don't know; no one does. There may be plenty of women who feel the same way. But research indicates that the more involvement a father has early in his child's life, the deeper and more fulfilling his relationship with that child will be. So no matter what proportion of fathers it is who genuinely would like to deepen their relationships with their children, isn't it worth allowing them to do so?
And if we're serious about women's participation in the workforce then that means being serious about men having the opportunity to leave it, when they need to, just like women do. Changing the way you work when your life changes is a normal, rational, sensible thing to do. But somehow we're stuck on the idea that it's a normal, rational, lady thing to do.
I'll give you an example which — while tiny — has stuck in my mind for years now. I heard from a young woman who was approaching the birth of her first baby. Both she and her husband were teachers. She wrote: "Both of us requested a discussion about returning to work part-time after the birth. My school: Sure! How many days do you want to work? His school: Sorry. Not an option." And for me, that kind of sums it up.
Working flexibly or part-time is something it is assumed mothers will probably do; no one is surprised when they ask for it. And for all the things women are rubbish at asking for in workplaces (more money, more responsibility, promotions, more recognition for the work they're doing), the thing they're really excellent at asking for is flexibility.
This is an edited extract from Annabel Crabb's Quarterly Essay, Men at Work: Australia's Parenthood Trap, out Monday, September 9.