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Summer Season: Prisoner of the State

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Summer Season: Prisoner of the State

In a nursing home lives an elderly man who is being held against his will.

We can’t tell you his name. We can’t tell you his age. We can’t even use his real voice, or the voice of anyone involved in his case.

Reporter Anne Connolly investigates what happens when the state rules you're incapable of looking after yourself.

This episode was originally published in March 2023.

More Information


The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) is subject to strict confidentiality obligations prohibiting the disclosure of personal information in relation to a represented person (see s113 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) (GA Act)). The consent of the represented person may not overcome that prohibition, because a represented person may be incapable of giving consent (see s113(1)(c) of the GA Act). Criminal sanctions apply for the contravention of those confidentiality obligations. Consequently the SAT is unable to provide personal information in relation to your specific enquiries.

I am, however, able to provide the following general observations which may assist your understanding of the operation of the GA Act.

In relation to your questions:

1. It would be unusual for a party to a proceeding in the SAT to make an application under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) (FOI Act) for access to documents used in evidence in that proceeding. Any such application would be unlikely to result in the grant of access because under the FOI Act (Glossary, cl 5) the ‘documents of a court’ (which includes a tribunal) in respect of which an access application may be made are documents which relate to matters of an administrative nature. Documents provided in evidence in a proceeding in a court or tribunal are not regarded as documents relating to matters of an administrative nature.

However, under s 112(1) of the GA Act, a person who is a represented person in a proceeding under the GA Act is entitled to inspect or otherwise have access to any document or material lodged with or held by the SAT for the purposes of any application in respect of that person. If a person is represented by lawyers, and the lawyers apply for access to documents for the purpose of preparing for a hearing, then generally speaking, the SAT would grant the lawyers access to such documents (under s112(4) of the GA Act). However, because of the highly sensitive information contained in documents relied on as evidence in GA Act proceedings, access to documents is frequently given only by inspection, and if copies of documents are provided (to lawyers) then access may be granted on the condition that the copies are destroyed within a specified time frame.

2. A represented person is entitled to written reasons for a decision made under the GA Act on an application pertaining to them. If the reasons are given orally at a hearing, a transcript of the reasons given in the hearing will usually be provided in response to a request for the written reasons for the decision.

3. For the reasons set out above, the SAT is unable to provide information in relation to an application made under the GA Act concerning a represented person. In so far as the question of capacity is concerned, under s4(3) of the

GA Act, every person is presumed to be capable of making decisions about personal and financial matters. Whether that presumption is rebutted will depend upon the evidence given in a proceeding. It is a matter for the presiding Member, or panel of Members, to determine what weight is given to any evidence led in a hearing in relation to capacity. Most applications will involve the provision to the SAT of some medical evidence, but not necessarily from a specialist (such as a geriatrician or neuropsychologist), and it is common for reports to be received from general practitioners.

In relation to your more general questions:

1. Any application made under the FOI Act, or under s 112 of the GA Act, for access to documents is dealt with by the SAT with in accordance with the requirements of the legislation in question.

It should be noted that if the Public Advocate or the Public Trustee is appointed as the guardian or administrator for a represented person, they will undoubtedly accumulate documents in the performance of that role (eg in the case of the administrator, those documents will be documents relating to the person’s estate, and the administration of the estate). The SAT does not control the provision of access by those agencies to such documents.


The Public Trustee cannot provide a response to your specific questions about a Represented Person for whom it acts, as the Public Trustee is restricted by legislation. In relation to your five general questions, the following responses are provided by the Public Trustee:

  1. 1.When one of your clients requests financial statements, are they always sent to them? If not, why not? 

The Public Trustee’s policy and practice is that statements will be provided to clients upon request. 

  1. 1.Does the Public Trustee have a responsibility to find accommodation to suit someone’s financial situation? 

The Public Trustee is appointed as a financial manager for a Represented Person, and can only review the affordability of any accommodation chosen by that Represented Person, or their family or supports.   

  1. 1.Does the Public Trustee have a responsibility to rent out a person’s home to offset any costs incurred at other accommodation? 

When a Represented Person leaves their principle place of residence (“the property”), the Public Trustee reviews their circumstances to determine whether the property should be sold or rented out. 

  1. 1.Does the Public Trustee have a responsibility to ensure someone is not paying for utilities at their house if no one is living there? 

Utilities are not disconnected when a Represented Person is not living in the property, for various reasons including the possibility they might return to the property, the need to have power and water connected for repairs, inspections, and access pending sale/rental etc. 

  1. 1.Does the Public Trustee charge a property management fee on clients’ principal residence and if so, how much is that per year? 

The gazetted residence and real property fee is $3,130/annum which is fully rebated when: 

  • the Represented Person lives in the property; 
  • the property is occupied by a spouse, de-facto partner and/or minor child; and 
  • where the property was occupied by the Represented Person at any time during the previous 12 months and it is not being rented to a third party. 

The Department of Justice has a Customer Feedback Management System where Represented Persons or their family or supports can provide their feedback directly to the Department so that their concerns can be resolved. 


The Public Advocate is bound by the confidentiality requirements set out in the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990. In relation to your four general questions, the following responses are provided by the Public Advocate:

1. Are clients of the Public Advocate allowed to have their own medical reports and other documentation if requested?

2. When a client has an assessment by a specialist related to their capacity, are they allowed to have the report?

Generally, the medical documentation which OPA holds about a represented person has been provided from the State Administrative Tribunal and cannot be shared by OPA with other parties. Requests for release of these documents would need to be made to the Tribunal. Any party to a Tribunal hearing can apply to view documents before the hearing, including the person for whom the application has been made.

Where medical reports are provided to OPA during the course of the Public Advocate’s guardianship, copies of these reports are not routinely provided to represented persons. Requests from a represented person to access copies of such reports are assessed on a case-by-case basis and focus on the best interests of the person.

In OPA’s experience, it is more common that requests for copies of medical reports originate from third parties, rather than the represented person themselves. At times, represented persons have made requests for copies of medical reports where these requests are in fact originating from a third party. The best interests of the represented person and any potential risk to them will be considered when assessing these requests.

3. Do clients need to pay for their own capacity assessments – do they cost thousands of dollars?

Where capacity assessments are deemed necessary, the cost of the assessment is billed to the represented person, as is the case for any other medical assessment or service provided for that person.

The cost of an assessment would depend on the specialist and the complexity of a person’s situation. As is the case with accessing most medical specialists, doing so through the public health system attracts a lower or even no cost, however, wait times can be lengthy. Where specialist assessments are required in shorter timeframes, for example, the represented person themselves may wish for an assessment of their capacity to be undertaken in a shorter timeframe, it may be necessary to engage a specialist privately. Wait times are greatly reduced, however private fees are charged for these services.

4. How many neuropsychologists undertake assessments on behalf of the Public Advocate – can you please name them?

The Public Advocate does not have an affiliation with any particular neuropsychologist or any other health professional. Appointments for represented persons with medical professionals and specialists come about in a number of ways. For example, the represented person may have an established relationship with a medical professional; a family member or other interested party in a person’s life may facilitate the engagement of a medical professional; service providers or facilities who are involved with a represented person may facilitate the engagement of a medical professional; or a represented person may be admitted to hospital (private or public), whereby referral to specialists may occur.

Regarding your additional two questions sent late yesterday, the Public Advocate cannot respond to individual cases or commentary about those matters.

More generally, one of the underpinning principles of the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) is ‘least restrictive alternatives’, which often involves family and other people in someone’s life, supporting them to make decisions in an informal way. The Public Advocate promotes these informal support systems through its community education activities and its advocacy efforts. Where less restrictive alternatives are not available or break down, the last resort is the appointment of the Public Advocate as guardian.

While WA’s legislative framework is based on substitute decision making, it also directs that in making best interest decisions, guardians must, as far as possible, make decisions in consultation with the represented person and take into account their wishes.

In cases where an individual presents purporting to be an acquaintance of a vulnerable adult, the Public Advocate's delegated guardian works hard to establish the credentials of the person and the legitimacy of their relationship. The focus of the Public Advocate and these processes is always the best interests of the represented person.’


The Auditor General found that there were opportunities for the Public Trustee to improve service delivery in areas including timely finalisation of estates and transparent Communication with clients over fees. There are currently two further reviews into the Public Trustee - one by the Auditor General and another by the Department of Treasury into the Public Trustee’s fees and charges, funding model and governance arrangements (as per the Auditor General’s recommendation).  The Government will carefully consider the findings and recommendations from both reviews. Please also refer to:

The Attorney is not familiar with specific details of individual cases. Review and appeal mechanisms are in place for those dissatisfied with both FOI and SAT decisions.

As previously advised, the McGowan Government remains committed to implementing the recommendations from the 2015 review of the Guardianship and Administration Act (GAA). Ongoing reforms to the GAA are Cabinet-in-confidence.

Perth, Mental Health, Fundamental Rights, Alzheimer's and Dementia, Human Rights, Law, Crime and Justice
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