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Wondering what to do with your leftover lettuce? Nims Zavackas has some ideas

A person wearing a green jacket and a patterned blue shirt picks a single green lettuce from a shelf full of lettuces.
There's a lot more you can do with lettuce than just putting it in your salad or wraps.()

If you looked in your fridge right now, would you have half a head of lettuce wilting in there?

Brisbane chef Naomi Zavackas, better known as Nims, knows how you feel.

She's put together some ideas for using up that leftover lettuce to prevent food waste and reduce your grocery bill.

Lettuce pesto

  1. 1.Take your favourite pesto recipe and replace the basil with the same amount of lettuce, any lettuce. The only tip here is to be mindful of the heads that have a higher water content, such as iceberg or cos.
  2. 2.You won't need as much olive oil to make the right spreadable consistency, so drizzle it into your food processor just until your desired consistency is reached.

Lettuce soup

You will need lettuce, brown onion, a knob of butter, garlic, a squeeze of lemon, a drizzle of olive oil, a splash of cream, and any other additional herbs you might have in the fridge. For extra crunch, you can add flaked almonds or pine nuts.

  1. 1. Begin your soup by softening chopped brown onion along with some garlic in a saucepan with a knob of butter.
  2. 2.Once the onion and garlic are soft, add your lettuce along with enough vegetable or chicken stock to cover, and simmer until your lettuce is soft.
  3. 3.Pop your soup into a blender and process until smooth, along with the addition of any soft herbs like basil or parsley languishing in your fridge and a little squeeze of lemon.
  4. 4.Finish with a drizzle of cream or olive oil, along with some toasted flaked almonds or pine nuts for added crunch.
  5. 5.Serve with garlic-rubbed sourdough and black pepper.

Grilled lettuce

The harder varieties, like iceberg and cos, are amazing grilled over the BBQ. You'll need lettuce, olive oil, a squeeze of lemon and some parmesan.

  1. 1.Cut your lettuce into wedges, making sure the core remains intact for easier handling.
  2. 2.Drizzle olive oil over the cut surfaces, and season with salt and pepper, then char until all the edges get kissed and coloured.
  3. 3.Serve on a platter with a generous squeeze of lemon and a fine grate of good parmesan. A super quick and elegant side dish for any spontaneous gathering. 

Stir-fried lettuce

Again, use one of the more sturdy varieties to maintain that beautiful crunch. You'll need lettuce, a clove or two of garlic, some olive oil, your favourite stir-fry sauce, sesame oil, and some sesame seeds.

  1. 1.Add garlic to a wok with a nudge of vegetable oil and cook until the garlic is fragrant. Throw in your lettuce and toss until it just starts to soften. 
  2. 2.Drizzle your favourite stir-fry sauce over the lettuce, along with a little sesame oil. 
  3. 3.Finish with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds for some extra pizzazz. 

Wilted lettuce with your breakfast

This is especially good for all those soft, frilly leaf varieties like oak leaf or coral.

Cook your lettuce much like you would wilt spinach; in a pan with butter, garlic and whatever seasoning takes your fancy. 

The soft leaves behave exactly the same as spinach and are perfectly delicious with your morning eggs. 

And if you just want a crunchy lettuce for your salad

Nims says that the secret is in the storage. 

Wash and drain your lettuce well, wrap in a paper towel or a clean tea towel and again in a saved plastic bag, then pop it in the crisper drawer.

The paper towel absorbs any excess water, ensuring your lettuce stays crisp. You should get two weeks of freshness stored this way.

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